CNVseq® is a multiplex ligation-dependent NGS-based probe amplification method. In brief, multiple pairs of probes are designed to simultaneously capture various targeted loci through highly specific hybridization and ligation of probe pairs. Ligation products are then PCR amplified using universal primers and sequenced by NGS technology. Sequencing depth and copy number is then analyzed and determined by using bioinformatics tools.
Technique Highlights
– Ultra High Throughput Combining highly efficient ligation and NGS technologies. Simultaneous quantification of
copy number at 500-2000 loci.
– High Accuracy Utilize advanced NGS technology. Average sequencing depth over 400X. Average detection CV <
– High Resolution Single pair of probes is able to accurately quantify copy number up to 4 copies.
– High Reproducibility Provide highly stable detection result, help you save cost by reducing unnecessary
experimental replicates.
Sample Requirement
Sample form: Genomic DNA
Sample Quantity: >= 5 ug
Sample Conc.: >= 100ng/ul
Sample Purity: OD260/280 = 1.7~2.0
Sample without severe degradation
Service Workflow
1. Project strategy consultation and custom experimental design
2. Sample receiving
3. DNA extraction and QC
4. CNVseq assay
5. Project final report
2. QC result