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  • 2013
    Liao W, Liu W, Yuan Q, Liu X, Ou Y, He S, et al. Silencing of DLGAP5 by siRNA significantly inhibits the proliferation and invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma cells. PloS one. 2013;8(12).
  • 2014

    Han D, Ma J, Zhang X, Cai J, Li J, Tuerxun T, et al. Correlation of PCSK9 gene polymorphism with cerebral ischemic stroke in Xinjiang Han and Uygur populations. Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research. 2014;20:1758-67.
    Du W, Cheng J, Ding H, Jiang Z, Guo Y, Yuan H. A rapid method for simultaneous multi-gene mutation screening in children with nonsyndromic hearing loss. Genomics. 2014;104(4):264-70.

    Li H, Liu G, Xia L, Zhou Q, Xiong J, Xian J, et al. A polymorphism in the DNA repair domain of APEX1 is associated with the radiation-induced pneumonitis risk among lung cancer patients after radiotherapy. The British journal of radiology. 2014;87(1040):20140093.

    Tan M-SS, Yu J-TT, Jiang T, Zhu X-CC, Guan H-SS, Tan L. Genetic variation in BIN1 gene and Alzheimer's disease risk in Han Chinese individuals. Neurobiology of aging. 2014;35(7):17810-8.

    Chen X, Liu Y, Sheng X, Tam PO, Zhao K, Chen X, et al. PRPF4 mutations cause autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. Human molecular genetics. 2014;23(11):2926-39.

    Duan Z-XX, Li W, Kang J-YY, Zhang J-YY, Chen K-JJ, Li B-CC, et al. Clinical relevance of tag single nucleotide polymorphisms within the CAT gene in patients with PTSD in the Chongqing Han population. International journal of clinical and experimental pathology. 2014;7(4):1724-32.

    Han Y, Zhou L, Ma L, Li D, Xu M, Yuan H, et al. The axis inhibition protein 2 polymorphisms and non-syndromic orofacial clefts susceptibility in a Chinese Han population. Journal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology. 2014;43(7):554-60.

    Lu C, Jiang J, Zhang R, Wang Y, Xu M, Qin Y, et al. Gene copy number alterations in the azoospermia-associated AZFc region and their effect on spermatogenic impairment. Molecular human reproduction. 2014;20(9):836-43.

    Cao L, Zhang Z, Sun W, Bai W, Sun W, Zhang Y, et al. Impacts of COX-1 gene polymorphisms on vascular outcomes in patients with ischemic stroke and treated with aspirin. Gene. 2014;546(2):172-6.

  • 2015
    Miao Y, Liao R, Zhang X X, et al. Metagenomic insights into salinity effect on diversity and abundance of denitrifying bacteria and genes in an expanded granular sludge bed reactor treating high-nitrate wastewater[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 277: 116-123.

    Li X, Wu J, Yin L, et al. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals defense-related genes and pathways against downy mildew in Vitis amurensis grapevine[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2015, 95: 1-14.

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