Metagenomic Sequencing


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Metagenomic Sequencing

    Metagenomics is a novel discipline that enables study and assessment of uncultured microbial community directly taken from environment. The main research objects of metagenomics are microbes such as bacteria, archaea, fungi and virus in the community. The aim of metagenomic study is to reveal and understand functional roles and evolution mechanisms of the microbiome in its habitat through conducing analysis on microbial diversity, community composition and dynamic changes, as well as interactions of microbes with each other and with their habitats. For whole metagenome sequencing, community samples are obtained from environment in situ, and DNA is directly extracted from environmental samples, then the metagenome library is prepared and sequenced on high-throughput NGS sequencer. Besides assessing the composition, diversity and abundance of the community as in 16s amplicon sequencing, whole metagenomic sequencing approach also helps researches gain deep insight into the function and pathway facets of the microbiome, trying to understand and elucidate the relations between microbes and its habitat/host.

    Technique Highlights

    — Study of microbial communities without prior culturing
    — High-throughout method generates high volume sequence data with low cost
    — High accuracy without sample bias 
    — Assessing community sample in situ objectively reflects the diversity and dynamics of the community.
    — Ability to identify novel microbes and novel genes in environmental community samples 

    Sample Requirement

    Sample type: Genomic DNA
    Sample quantity: DNA >= 5 ug; concentration >= 100 ng/ul
    Sample purity: OD260/280 = 1.7~2.0
    Sample without severe degradation 

    Schematic workflow from sample preparation to bioinformatics data analysis   

    Service Workflow

    1. Customized experimental design 
    2. Sample receiving
    3. DNA extraction and QC
    4. Whole metagenome sequencing
    5. Project final report 


    1. Sequencing data QC
    2. Whole metagenome sequencing final report

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