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  • Pfizers Hot-selling Ibrance Gets Even Hotter With New $710M Sales Estimate for 2015
  • January 01,1970
  • Pfizers hot-selling Ibrance gets even hotter with new $710M sales estimate for 2015Pfizer\'s ($PFE) Ibrance was a drug to watch from the get-go: It won FDA approval months early, and early uptake was quick. But now, its spotlight is getting even brighter.

    Some 3,000 prescribers are using the breast cancer drug with their HER2-negative patients, up from 800 at the end of March, CEO Ian Read said during the company\'s second-quarter earnings call. First-line market share was 22% for Q2, more than double the size of the niche Ibrance carved out in Q1. The drug drove a 36% hike in Pfizer\'s overall oncology sales, too.

    For the second quarter alone, Ibrance pulled in $140 million, nearly double analyst estimates of $72 million. The drug\'s performance, in fact, has analysts boosting sales expectations for the year--and by a big margin. Leerink Partners analyst Seamus Fernandez, for one, raised his Ibrance estimate to $710 million for the full year, up from $400 million previously.

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